Teri Embrey’s Carving Process: From Wood to Soulful Creations

Teri Embrey’s artistic process of carving wood is a deeply personal and soulful journey that transforms raw material into vibrant, expressive creations. Each step of the process, from selecting the wood to adding intricate details, is imbued with intention and passion, resulting in artworks that resonate with a unique personality and life of their own. In this exploration, we detail Teri Embrey’s artistic process of carving wood and how each creation takes on its personality as she works.

Selecting the Wood: Finding Inspiration in Nature’s Beauty

For Teri Embrey, the process of carving wood begins with the selection of the perfect piece of timber. Drawing inspiration from the natural world, she seeks out wood with unique grains, textures, and colors that speak to her artistic vision. Each piece of wood carries its own story, and Embrey carefully considers its characteristics before beginning the carving process.

Embrey’s connection to nature is evident in her choice of materials, as she often incorporates reclaimed wood and natural materials into her creations. By working with organic elements, she infuses her artworks with a sense of authenticity and connection to the earth, allowing the inherent beauty of the wood to shine through in the finished piece.

Sketching the Design: Giving Shape to Imagination

Once the wood is selected, Teri Embrey begins the process of sketching out her design. Drawing upon her imagination, inspiration from folklore, and personal experiences, she gives shape to her vision, allowing the form to emerge organically from the wood. Embrey’s sketches are fluid and expressive, capturing the essence of her artistic intent while leaving room for spontaneity and improvisation.

As she sketches, Embrey infuses each design with a sense of personality and character, allowing the wood to guide her hand and dictate the direction of the carving process. Each line and curve becomes a reflection of her creative spirit, imbuing the artwork with a soulful presence that resonates with viewers.

Carving the Wood: Bringing Life to the Form

With the design in place, Teri Embrey begins the intricate process of carving the wood. Armed with a variety of tools, including chisels, gouges, and knives, she carefully sculpts the wood, coaxing out its hidden beauty and bringing life to the form. Embrey’s carving technique is both meticulous and intuitive, as she allows the wood to dictate the direction of her strokes, resulting in fluid, dynamic compositions.

As she works, Embrey’s connection to the wood deepens, and each carving takes on its own personality and presence. Whether crafting a whimsical Santa Claus or a serene woodland scene, she infuses each piece with a sense of energy and vitality that captivates the imagination. Through her skilled craftsmanship and intuitive approach, Embrey transforms raw material into soulful creations that resonate with timeless beauty.

Adding Details and Finishing Touches: Infusing Depth and Character

As the carving nears completion, Teri Embrey adds intricate details and finishing touches that infuse the artwork with depth and character. Whether carving delicate facial features, adding texture to clothing, or incorporating symbolic elements, she pays meticulous attention to every aspect of the composition, ensuring that each detail contributes to the overall narrative and emotional impact of the piece.

Through her careful craftsmanship and artistic intuition, Embrey breathes life into her creations, imbuing them with a sense of soulfulness and depth that transcends the physical form. Each detail is infused with meaning and intention, inviting viewers to explore the artwork with a sense of wonder and curiosity.


Teri Embrey’s artistic process of carving wood is a deeply personal and soulful journey that transforms raw material into vibrant, expressive creations. From selecting the wood to adding intricate details and finishing touches, each step of the process is imbued with intention, passion, and artistic vision. Through her skilled craftsmanship and intuitive approach, Embrey infuses her artworks with a sense of personality and presence that resonates with viewers, inviting them into a world of beauty, wonder, and imagination.

Bob Cook

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